First, we clarify your picture of success, your targets and expectations, second, we make a decision, to what extent we can be profitable partners for each other.
We acquaint ourselves to the specifics of your company, your customers and your industry so we understand your language and your “culture” to develop and deliver most appropriate measures to meet your requirements and expectations. We invest in practice days and day-to-day business involvement to support this approach and ensure that your employees and managers feel under-stood and best supported in their daily tasks and specific challenges. Accordingly, they experience the workshop or coaching situations of practical relevance and the course content and outcomes feasible to implement.
Based on your business agenda, values and core processes we ensure clarity to be cascaded and specified for each individual employee. Together we reflect success and learning factors, design solutions and what to do in specific. Clearly defined action plans, performance and service standards will lead you to pragmatic implementation and best possible achievement.
We do not believe in any standard solutions, but in strategic and operational solutions for you and your business. And we believe in the synergy of both, the appreciation of each individual employees engagement and the achievement of organizational success.
Philosophy – Kuelpp & Partner stands for:
In our work we are highly people and relationship oriented. This means that each person is seen and appreciated in his/her individuality – regardless of their hierarchical position. We encourage personal responsibility, initiative and the ambition to clarify roles and value contribution and actively drive implementation.
We work process oriented. This means we challenge all involved people to learn and develop, while giving the chance and frame to learn and develop in individual manners.
We are results-oriented. Priority is given to corporate goals, increased value within the organization, the team and the achievement of concrete results by every employee and every manager.
Structure: yes! Standard or rigid agenda: no!. The individuality- and to-dateness (themes, requirements, needs) determine content, pace and meth-odology.
Guiding principles to our workshops and individual coaching sessions:
- Employees are actively involved in target-setting, content and implementation (i.e. creative, initiative and personal responsibility, resulting in high practical transfers and target achievement). Questionnaires, assessment tasks and (telephone) interviews may serve for the purpose to prepare and involve.
- The behavioral focus is a guiding principle in all actions (the attention is more focused on experience, than on excessive intellectual understanding, thinking and interpretation)
- Relevance of content for the target groups and work situations in all tasks and exercises is ensured via preliminary talks and practice days
- Learning will not happen via theories, but through experience and behaviour (“learning to learn”).
- The focus of knowledge transfer takes place prior to the workshop and will be deepened through practical exercises and case discussions in collegial work-shop methods. In order to avoid Power-Point slide battles, the contents are sent previously. Reflection questions and supporting film refer-ences or other inspirations support participants to prepare and acquire relevant topics in advance.
- We offer a variety of approaches, but no success recipes and standard templates.
Instead of: General theory> practice case> application,
we favour: In Practice> relevant theory (concept)> application
Depending on process, people and purpose we use the following methods:
- Target-performance analysis and derivation of action plans, small group work, work in plenary
- Video analysis, inspirational lectures, self-and external assessments, self-experience elements
- Case studies, presentations, challenge and outdoor exercises, feedback processes
- Collegial coaching to transfer backup, collegial consultation, live coaching sessions and action learning to ensure transfer and implementation, Open Space, Future Workshop and World Cafe
- Video movies, physical work out and anti-stress exercises, Belbin Team Roles, concept of motivation and driving forces, Systemic Constellation Work and questioning techniques, Reflector Big5 Personality (profile management) and Reiss Motive Profile
Duration/group size:
- The duration varies between 0,5 and 2,5 days, we recommend shorter units, but designed as a process, including a structured follow up, review of achievements and reflection of learning and success factors (i.e. 3 x 0,5 days rather than a one-time workshop or training of 1,5 days)
- Up to 12 participants: 1 Coach / Consultant (2 coaches / consultants only if specific necessity is given), more than 12 participants: 2 Coaches / Consultants